The Morning Star Twinkle

Friends, lately, the Lord has been impressing upon me the close weaving of beautiful Biblical pictures and references of shining bright, running the race, the morning star, and finishing strong. The more that we study them (especially at this morning star time of the year!), the more we see how the Lord is bringing our attention to what He desires to see in our life.

As I think about the Biblical promise of hearing the last trump, and being caught up in the twinkling of an eye, I can't help but think of the real-world illusions how these truly happen. Indeed, one can best notice this effect when we go outside at evening - and look up and lift up our heads! When the Sun has just set (or about to rise), and all around you is darkened, you can more distinctly see the bright blue skies reflected in somebody's eyes. Especially more so when they are looking at a bright object in the sky, such as the Moon, Venus, Sirius, or even a sunset/sunrise. We can see the brightness reflected most distinctly when the person has their eyes fixed directly on the light. Indeed, it is this 'twinkle' - of the distant light object of their gaze - that looks so beautiful and photogenic in their eyes.

I think you know where this is going. :-) These are the exact same eye-pictures that Scripture paints for us, desiring us to run the race - running and LOOKING toward Jesus Christ! Throughout the Old Testament, we find repeatedly how the Lord takes very loving note of those that set their love and affection on Him! God has special blessing and fellowship with them - drawing nigh to them - because they drew nigh to Him! I highly encourage you to read Psalm chapter 91! Throughout the New Testament, we find these same exhortations: draw nigh to your Redeemer! That is the essence of the entire race that is set before each and every one of us: will you set your love on Jesus Christ - and run toward Him? No believer is exempt from this race; it is set before all. A test of whom we really love.

In the Letters to the Seven Churches, Christ, Himself, promises that those who overcome the sin that is holding them back - and keep (guard) what He wants to see in our life - and finish the race pressing themselves toward that - they will receive the reward of what they set their focus on: The Bright and Morning Star, Jesus Christ.

You see, when we determine to set our love, affection, focus, service, and gaze on Jesus Christ - to the exclusion of everything else - He takes wonderful notice. This does not happen by accident, or without effort, though; it requires deliberately looking, focusing, pressing, and running. If you are not looking intently toward Christ, and desiring Him and His words, then you will not run toward Him; you will not reach the mark and prize that you never press for. But when we heed Scripture's instructions, and set our love on Christ - we will so much more easily cast aside all that is no longer the object of our affection and gaze. The more we draw nigh to our Redeemer, the more we will be quick to shed anything that steers our heart and vision from One so Beautiful and altogether Wonderful.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." - Matt 5:16.

What do others see shining in our life and eyes? What we love will be reflected for the world to see - and for Christ to see. The more that we keep our eyes on Christ - and patiently press and run toward Him - the more our steps, actions, and direction point to the One we are pursuing! People will start to look at what we are looking at. The more that we fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, the more others will see Christ in us - because our heart desires what He desires! This is the crux of the very last chapter in the Bible, where the Spirit and the Bride - with locked on gaze - have the same desires. The Bride has a heart and love wholly set upon her Beloved.

Friend, we are at a time of year where Creation is currently rehearsing these exact same natural events of the bright and morning stars. We have been watching the recent celestial events, how they have involved some of brightest celestial lights in the heavens, all in one area along the line. Two of these lights are at close thresholds of being the morning star. We are not lacking for strong reminders and signs - shouting and declaring that the finish line is in sight! Finish strong!

In our Sky Notes, we see that Venus is still the morning star - although it is drawing very close (nigh) to the Sun, right now; effectively, it is lost in the glare and brilliance of the Sun. July 29th will be the last day that Venus technically rises above the horizon, before Sirius - which is about to take the title baton of 'the morning star.' August 2nd will be the earliest that Sirius could be considered (sighted) as the morning star (when viewing from Jerusalem). Not until Aug 14th, will Venus technically be no longer rising in the morning; as it then becomes an evening star. So, effectively - approximately - August 2-8, Sirius will be the new bright and morning star. For us, it is safest enough to conclude that we are definitely in a time that focuses on the morning star picture - including drawing quickly nigh to the Sun (Bridegroom picture), and a coming quickly bright and morning star. Multiple pictures are being rehearsed right now.

Time is short - where am I looking? Am I applying myself to the race that is set before ME? What am I running toward - drawing nigh to? Am I looking - and pressing - and running - toward my Beloved Redeemer? He has finished His race; He is now set down at the right hand of God - watching, with open arms - if we will draw nigh to Him. Our life is a reflection of how much we love our Saviour. What does the world see? What does our Redeemer see - when He looks into our eyes?

FINISH STRONG: Running for the Prize.

FINISH BRIGHT: Purify and Sanctify playlist

We have heard the trumpet calls at midnight: "The Bridegroom cometh: GO YE OUT TO MEET HIM!"

Are we rising up, trimming our lamps, shining bright - and looking and going in His direction? Let us search our ways, and amend our steps and gaze to be looking unto Jesus - to have Him shining in our heart and eyes - ever before us. When the last trump sounds, may it find us with The Bright and Morning star - Jesus Christ - already fixed in our heart's gaze, so the twinkling is already shining there. ...Because we are HEARING Him, FEARING Him, LOOKING to Him, LOVING Him, and SERVING Him - FIRST - AND HIGHEST ABOVE ALL ELSE!!

Brother Daniel



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