Timeline Update

Greetings, Friends! I just updated the Timeline to show some of the recent real-world agricultural markers showing that Spring is already underway in Israel, and that the barley is right on track to be ready for the Wavesheaf Offering (Firstfruits of firstfruits) in just over two weeks. These various things confirm the Biblical time. The new Biblical year will be starting in just a few days.

Having the-very-first-of-the-very-first-fruitfruits of the land is one of the most-important pictures in the Bible - one that is directly tied to Christ. This was extremely important that the first-of-the-first be offered as a picture of Him - no other firstfruits come before Christ. This is why God commanded that the Wavesheaf Offering not be delayed (Exodus 22:29) - the first-of-the-firstfruits had to be offered when it was ready; to wait would mean it was no longer was the first-of-the-first that was cut off. As believers in Jesus Christ, we are a type of firstfruits because He was the first-of-the-first to rise from the dead.

To learn more about Biblical calendaring - that is commanded to work in the real world - check out our resource, Understanding God's Celestial Clock. This is an important time of the year where we consider so many incredible pictures and shadows coming together, here in this last generation - telling us that our Redeemer and redemption draweth nigh! Maranatha!!



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